The health and safety of all my clients is my number one priority. As a result, I ask that you follow the guidelines outlined below when booking an appointment and before our session. These guidelines have been implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control, Department of Health and Human Service, World Health Organization, and your local and state government.
I am grateful for each one of my clients. However, if you can answer YES to any of these questions, please come back when the answer(s) is NO. I will be here for you and want to protect the health and safety of myself and all my clients.
- Fever – Do you have a fever of 100.4°F [38 °C] or greater? If so, you will need to reschedule your appointment. Please take your temperature immediately prior to our appointment.
- Feeling Sick – Have you experienced any of the CDC-defined symptoms of COVID-19 within the past 14 days: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, body aches, or loss of sense or taste of smell?
- Been around anyone exhibiting signs of fever or cough – Have you come into close proximity with a person who has been “quarantined” by a physician or government, or with a person who has been told by his/her employer to self-quarantine within the past 14 days?
- Living with anyone who sick, tested positive for the coronavirus or is quarantined within the past 14 days.
- Travel – Have you traveled outside the U.S. within the past 14 days?
In addition, I have implemented the following safety protocols, which must be followed by all:
Clients’ temperatures must be taken before any service.
- Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be denied service.
- Anyone with symptoms associated with COVID-19 will be denied service.
I and all Clients must wear masks at all times.
- If you bring your own, be sure it loops around the ears.
- Note that color may stain your mask.
- I can provide a disposable mask, if you prefer.
Clients must maintain social distance.
- No more than one client will be permitted within 6 feet of where I am working
All furniture and equipment will be properly sanitized frequently and between clients
I and all Clients must wash and/or sanitize hands thoroughly and frequently, prior to the client being serviced.